An Afternoon in the City, Plus Some Sad News

Yesterday afternoon Leslie rode her bike into the city to meet me for a shopping adventure. I was in desperate need of some new running shoes, and wanted to look into a few other shops.

Our first stop was Lululemon. Now I am going to blame Sabrina 100% on the money I spent there today. A few weeks ago when we met up for dinner she was wearing this jacket/coat/cope combo called the Savasana Wrap. She raved about how amazing it was. Then Leslie bought one and raved about how amazing it is. Then of course I had to see how amazing it was, and somehow I ended up taking it home.
I tried to a picture of it, but it was hard. I am not a fashion blogger. I don’t ever clean this mirror because it’s usually at the back of my closet. The jacket is all black. And I look like I am not wearing pants, but I promise there are shorts underneath it.
Regardless it’s the most comfortable item I own and I plan to wear it till it’s death.

savasana wrap from lululemon

I also picked up a headband and an earwarmer. I am pretty excited about the earwarmer and think it will work great on my runs and bike rides this winter.

headbands from lululemon

After that we headed to Philadelphia Runner because I needed new shoes. I tried on a few pairs, but ended up purchasing the exact pair I already have, just in a different color. I can’t wait to test them out later today.

Where were getting hungry and decided to grab some food at Good Dog, one of my favorite bars/restaurants in the city.

good dog

Beer was up first and we both decided on two fall beers.
This group of gentlemen actually bought our first round, which was awesome! Thanks for the free beers on your expense account guys!

good dog

I love hanging out with Leslie because she is not scared to have a beer at lunch.

good dog

We both went with a Lauren original…salad and french fries! You can’t ever beat that combo.

good dog

good dog

good dog

After lunch we swung by Lush for some beauty products. I picked up a new to me product, their hair dye! I didn’t even know Lush had hair dye, but I am really curious. I will do a full post/review once I use it…maybe this weekend?

hair dye

It was a lot of fun to do things in center city in the middle of the week. The stores aren’t as crowded and I like seeing people walk around in their fancy business suit wear.

I woke up this morning and called my parent’s and received some sad news. They were about to head to the vet to put down our cat Miko.
We estimate that Miko is about 18 years old, and she hadn’t been doing well the past week, and got really bad the past few days. I know it’s for the best, but it’s just hard news to take.

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photo stolen from jackie, thaaaaanks.

Miko arrive at our house the summer of 1996. We are pretty sure she is a full blood Persian, so she wasn’t some random stray! We searched for her owner around the neighborhood for weeks. Then eventually we found out she was pregnant.
Now Miko was not the sharpest crayon in the box, we actually always joked that she was mentally retarded. I then found out that mental retardation is not uncommon in Persians because they are so inbred. But despite her stupidity she was the sweetest cat I have ever met.

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and another from jackie.

I will always wonder where she came from, but I hope that my family was able to provide her with a fantastic life. And I hope she is enjoying cat heaven and purring her days away.

10 responses to “An Afternoon in the City, Plus Some Sad News

  1. I’m sorry for your family’s loss šŸ˜¦ I (luckily) don’t know what it feels like to lose a family pet yet, but my dog is also getting very old and I worry about it every day.

  2. I am so sorry about Miko.

    I am not so sorry about the money you spent at lulu! AWESOME!

    Please guide me on what vegans eat for dessert, aside from nice fresh fruit. I found so delicious ice cream, but I don’t know where to find you a nice vegan cupcake and what else you eat for sweets?!?!

  3. so sorry to hear about Miko!

  4. Sorry about Miko!!! I have never spent any money on lulu clothing…what makes it so great??

    • ha it’s so hard to even explain! it seems dumb to spend that much money on work out clothes, but they are just so comfortable! they fit your body amazingly. and then you end up wearing it even when you aren’t working out.

      i wear my lulu clothes 75% more often than my target workout clothes, so atleast i am getting my monies worth!

  5. Awww, I’m sorry about your kitty šŸ˜¦ Losing pets is the worst. But 18 years is damn long!

    I am really curious to see how your hair dye turns out but your color is already really pretty!!!!

  6. Poor Miko. I am sorry to hear the sad news.

    I think that wrap looks great with tights…it balances out the silhouette. We should all have a Lululemon blogger meet-up and wear our gear.

    You probably should purchase this blog domain:

    I am curious about the hair dye, too, and can’t wait for your review…does it just add some richness and enhance your existing color or does it actually change the color?

  7. So sorry about the loss of Miko….how wonderful that your family was able to take her in and give her a wonderful life after someone else thoughtlessly discarded her.

    Kudos on the Caca Rouge henna dye, you are going to love it!! I LOVE how it works… does change your hair color, but it’s subtle and looks more “realistic” than chemical crap. It also fades out nicely, so you aren’t left with tacky looking roots while it is growing out.

  8. Just wanted to say that I’ve tried Lush’s Cacao Rouge and it didn’t turn my hair as red as I would have liked. In fact, no one even noticed that I dyed my hair because the tint was so incredibly subtle. However, I recently dyed my hair again with a paste I made from straight henna powder (some stuff from Yemen that I got on the internet) and it worked a lot better. I’ve heard with henna dye that the more applications you put on your hair, the more your hair “soaks up” the dye, so the color will keep increasing. I don’t know if I had better results because I henna-ed my hair twice or if the Lush stuff just wasn’t “pure” henna. Anyway, I’ll be interested to hear how it works out for you šŸ™‚

    Also, I’m sorry about Miko šŸ˜¦

  9. Amber Shea @Almost Vegan

    What precious pictures…
    Rest in peace, Miko. ā¤


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